TBW Awards 2024: Paul Frambot (Morpho Labs) voted best young talent

TBW Awards 2024: Paul Frambot (Morpho Labs) voted best young talent

The man at the helm of Morpho Labs was able to turn around the company, which quickly launched Morpho Blue, believing that its original product, Morpho Optimizer, had "reached its limits". In 2023, he also strengthened his image as a figure in the ecosystem.

Despite his young age (23), it's now almost a mistake not to know Paul Frambot. In 2022, the company he co-founded with Merlin Égalité, Hugo Danet and Mathis Gontier-Delaunay raised the largest amount of money for a student project, with an $18 million round of financing from, among others, the American star fund Andreessen Horowitz (a16z).

With this round of funding, the company launched Morpho Optimizer, which optimises returns from decentralised finance (DeFi) using protocols such as Aave or Compound. "But we've reached the limits of the system", explained Paul Frambot in an interview with The Big Whale, who has ambitions to "rebuild DeFi from scratch". Nothing less.

To fulfil this ambition, Morpho Labs has launched Morpho Blue, which aims to be a base layer to all DeFi, in the same way that IP (Internet Protocol) is from which the Internet was really able to develop. "Today, DeFi lacks a basic protocol like IP, and that's what we're doing with Morpho Blue," continues Paul Frambot.

The protocol allows anyone to create the equivalent of Compound or Aave from Morpho Blue. The major advantage highlighted by several specialists interviewed by The Big Whale is that Morpho Blue allows risk management to be separated from the lending engine.

In just a few months after launch, Morpho Blue has already managed to convince institutional players such as PayPal to participate in the development of the protocol "while continuing to win unanimous approval from the major native players in the crypto ecosystem", explains one entrepreneur in the sector. In total, the Morpho ecosystem has exceeded $1 billion in total value locked in (TVL) according to DeFi Llama.

Among the other nominees in the category: Claire Balva (Deblock), Mustafa Al-Bassam (Celestia), Alexandre Roubaud (Bitstack) and Gajesh Naik (EigenLayer).

The election took place in part with the participation of The Big Whale community but without any intervention from the team. Find out more about the voting process.

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