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What is KlimaDAO?

KlimaDAO (KLIMA) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and DeFi protocol that aims to combat climate change by leveraging blockchain technology to create a carbon-backed cryptocurrency. The native KLIMA token is a floating algorithmic reserve currency backed by carbon offsets, ensuring that each token is supported by at least one carbon tonne. The protocol incentivizes the development of high-impact carbon reduction projects by tokenizing carbon credits and promoting transparency and efficiency in the voluntary carbon market. KLIMA holders participate in governance through voting and staking, which rewards them with additional tokens. The ultimate goal is to create a carbon-based economy that aligns incentives between civil society and organizations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How is KlimaDAO used?

KlimaDAO (KLIMA) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and DeFi protocol that aims to drive climate action by accelerating the price appreciation of carbon assets. The KLIMA token is the native token of KlimaDAO and serves multiple purposes:

  1. Gateway to On-Chain Environmental Markets: KLIMA provides liquidity for on-chain markets via protocol-owned liquidity, allowing users to participate in the digital carbon market.

  2. Staking and Inflation Hedging: Users can stake KLIMA to generate returns and hedge against ecosystem inflation.

  3. Treasury Management: KLIMA is used to acquire digital carbon (reserve assets) and liquidity (assets) for the treasury.

  1. Digital Carbon Retirement: KLIMA can be used to redeem and retire digital carbon via the retirement aggregator and retirement bonds.

  2. Governance: KLIMA token holders can participate in KlimaDAO’s governance process, deciding on the allocation of the treasury and market-making capabilities.

  3. Bonding Mechanism: Users can obtain discounted KLIMA by depositing BCT (Base Carbon Tonne) tokens or liquidity pool tokens into KlimaDAO’s treasury.

  1. Trading: KLIMA can be traded on various exchanges, including SushiSwap and

Overall, KLIMA is the central token that facilitates the functioning of KlimaDAO, enabling users to engage with the digital carbon market, participate in governance, and support the project’s mission to drive climate action.

How do I store KlimaDAO?

To store KlimaDAO (KLIMA) tokens, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Wallet: First, create a Polygon-compatible Web3 wallet. You can use Torus or any other compatible wallet.

  2. Load the Wallet with MATIC Tokens: Ensure your wallet has MATIC tokens to cover gas fees.

  3. Swap for KLIMA on Connect your wallet to using WalletConnect. Then, swap your MATIC tokens for KLIMA tokens.

  1. Transfer KLIMA Tokens to Your Contract: You can transfer KLIMA tokens to your contract using web3.js and JSON RPC (like using Metamask) or by implementing a deposit function that calls KLIMA's standard ERC20 approve and transfer functions.

  2. Stake KLIMA Tokens: Stake your KLIMA tokens to earn rebasing rewards. This involves approving the StakingHelper contract and then calling the stake function.

  3. Manage Your Tokens: You can transfer, approve, and manage your KLIMA tokens using the IERC20 interface.

By following these steps, you can securely store and manage your KLIMA tokens.

How to buy KlimaDAO?

To buy KlimaDAO (KLIMA) tokens, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Crypto Wallet: Select a reliable crypto wallet that supports the Polygon network, such as Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, or MetaMask. Download the wallet extension on Google Chrome or the wallet app from the iOS App Store or Google Play.

  2. Set up Your Wallet: Create an account, provide personal information, and set a strong password. Note down the seed phrase or secret recovery words carefully for future reference.

  3. Buy Base Currency: Purchase a base currency such as MATIC, USDT, ETH, or BNB on a centralized exchange like Binance. You can use fiat currency to buy these coins.

  1. Transfer Base Currency to Wallet: Withdraw the base currency from the exchange to your crypto wallet. Ensure you set the correct network (e.g., Polygon/Matic) and provide the wallet address.

  2. Choose a Decentralized Exchange (DEX): Select a DEX that supports your wallet, such as 1inch or Sushi. Connect your wallet to the DEX using your wallet address.

  3. Trade for KLIMA: On the DEX, select the base currency as the payment and KLIMA as the coin you want to acquire. If KLIMA is not listed, find its smart contract address on PolygonScan and paste it into the DEX.

  1. Complete the Swap: Click the Swap button to complete the transaction. Be cautious of scams and ensure you have the correct contract address.

Remember to diversify your portfolio and be aware of market risks and volatility.

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History of KlimaDAO

The history of KlimaDAO (KLIMA) began with its conceptualization by a distributed, pseudo-anonymous team inspired by Olympus DAO. The project aimed to create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that would drive climate action and revolutionize the carbon markets through its algorithmic, carbon-backed cryptocurrency, KLIMA.

Launch and Early History

KlimaDAO launched on October 18, 2021, on the Polygon mainnet. The initial supply of KLIMA tokens was approximately 251,000, with 57,000 coming from the Initial Discord Offering (IDO), 133,000 from the Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP), and 81,000 from the Alchemist reward program.

Post-Launch Developments

In the early days, the protocol faced a minor implementation issue in the pKLIMA contract that allowed for excessive redemption. This issue was fixed on November 24, 2021, by deploying the wsKLIMA contract, which ensured that pKLIMA allocations were in line with vesting limits.

Governance and Community

KlimaDAO operates on a path of progressive decentralization, where all decisions are made by community members through Snapshot voting. The DAO multisig, composed of individuals with obligations to the DAO's legal structure, implements these decisions. The community plays a crucial role in shaping the protocol and treasury assets.

Carbon Market Impact

KlimaDAO has made significant progress in the on-chain carbon market, incentivizing the bridging of over 25 million carbon credits onto the blockchain. The DAO's liquidity pools and offsetting infrastructure have been increasingly adopted across Web3, with around 500 users offsetting carbon credits using the retirement aggregator. The community has also participated in consultations and engagements with the wider carbon market and policy arena.

One-Year Review

As KlimaDAO celebrated its first anniversary in October 2022, it reflected on its progress in revolutionizing the voluntary carbon market. Despite facing challenges such as high inflation rates and declining token prices, the DAO continued to develop new products and partnerships, solidifying its position in the carbon market.

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How KlimaDAO works

KlimaDAO (KLIMA) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and DeFi protocol that aims to drive climate action by accelerating the price appreciation of carbon assets. Here's how it works:

Key Components
  • KLIMA Token: The native token of KlimaDAO, which is backed by at least one carbon tonne in the KlimaDAO treasury. It serves as the gateway to on-chain environmental markets and provides liquidity for these markets via protocol-owned liquidity.
  • Digital Carbon Market (DCM): A platform that enables transparent and efficient climate markets, with over $4 billion traded to date.
  • Tokenized Carbon Tonnes (TCT): Represent real-world Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) from registries like Verra, which are brought onto the blockchain through bridges like Toucan Protocol.
  • Bonding: Users can exchange assets for discounted KLIMA tokens, which expands the treasury's purchasing power and increases the supply of KLIMA.
  • Staking: Users can stake their KLIMA tokens to earn rewards and hedge against ecosystem inflation. Staking rewards are distributed based on the number of KLIMA tokens staked and the staking period.
  • Rebasing: The protocol adjusts the supply of KLIMA tokens to maintain a balance between the tokens in the staking contract and those in circulation, ensuring that the token's intrinsic value is maintained.
  • Decentralized Governance: KlimaDAO is governed by its token holders, who participate in decision-making through voting on the forum and Snapshot voting.
  • Treasury Management: The treasury is controlled by the DAO, and its assets are used to acquire digital carbon and liquidity.
  • Climate Action: KlimaDAO incentivizes the production of more carbon credits by driving demand, which in turn encourages carbon offset producers to create more credits, contributing to the adoption of sustainable practices.
  • Price Appreciation: By buying and hoarding carbon credits, KlimaDAO aims to drive up their price, making it more expensive for polluters to offset their emissions and encouraging them to reduce their carbon footprint.

Overall, KlimaDAO uses blockchain technology to create a carbon-backed, algorithmic currency that drives climate action by incentivizing the production of carbon credits and increasing their value.

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KlimaDAO's strengths

The token KlimaDAO (KLIMA) has several strengths:

  1. Carbon Offset Backing: Each KLIMA token is backed by at least one carbon tonne in the KlimaDAO treasury, ensuring that the token has a minimum intrinsic value.

  2. Algorithmic Reserve Currency: KLIMA functions as a floating algorithmic reserve currency, which means that the protocol can increase or decrease the token supply based on market conditions to maintain its intrinsic value.

  3. Rebase Token: As a rebase token, KLIMA's supply can be adjusted to ensure that it does not trade below its intrinsic value over the long run, providing a level of stability and confidence for holders.

  1. Governance and Voting Power: KLIMA tokens grant voting power to participate in policy changes within the KlimaDAO ecosystem, allowing holders to influence the direction of the project.

  2. Staking Rewards: KLIMA staking provides users with a distribution of profits as an incentive for long-term holdings, offering exposure to the increasing price of carbon.

  3. Liquidity and Market Dynamics: The protocol's ability to sell tokens at a higher price and create a yield for staking participants helps to incentivize new users and maintain liquidity in the market.

  1. Carbon Market Impact: By acquiring and locking up carbon offsets, KlimaDAO aims to drive up their value, incentivizing carbon-offsetting behaviors and activities, which can contribute to a more sustainable environment.

These strengths position KLIMA as a unique token that combines financial incentives with environmental goals, making it an attractive option for investors and those interested in sustainable finance.

KlimaDAO's risks

KlimaDAO (KLIMA) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that aims to drive climate action by incentivizing the creation and trading of tokenized carbon credits. The financial risks associated with KLIMA include:

  1. Illiquidity and Market Volatility: The carbon markets are currently illiquid, fragmented, and opaque, which can lead to significant price fluctuations. This volatility can negatively impact the value of KLIMA tokens and the overall stability of the ecosystem.

  2. Staking Yield Sustainability: The staking yield offered by KLIMA, which is funded by the project's profits, may not be sustainable in the long run. This could lead to a decrease in investor confidence and a subsequent drop in the token's value.

  3. Price Drop: The price of KLIMA tokens can drop due to various market conditions, including the supply and demand dynamics of the token itself and the underlying carbon credits. This drop can result in significant losses for investors.

  1. Legitimacy Risks: As with any cryptocurrency project, there is a risk that KLIMA could end up being illegitimate or experience a "rug pull," where developers abandon the project and abscond with investor funds. This risk is heightened by the lack of transparency regarding the project's founders and the absence of official audits.

  2. Inverse Bonding Risks: KLIMA's inverse bonding mechanism, which involves selling treasury assets to maintain the token's value, can have significant impacts on the carbon markets and the project's treasury. This can lead to a loss of treasury value and a decrease in the token's backing, potentially affecting its long-term stability.

  3. General Cryptocurrency Risks: Investing in KLIMA, like any cryptocurrency, involves a high degree of risk and should be considered extremely speculative. Investors should be aware of these risks and only invest amounts they can afford to lose.

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Did KlimaDAO raise funds?

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KlimaDAO’s team

  • Core Team: The core team of KlimaDAO includes 14 members, each with specific duties. Many of these members maintain pseudo-anonymity, known only by pseudonyms such as Archimedes, Atmosfearful, Cujo, Dionysus, or 0xymoron. However, three core team members have publicly revealed their names to serve as the face of the organization.
  • Protocol Team: The Protocol Team is composed of key contributors who have been working on KlimaDAO since before its launch. They establish strategic vision, provide expert input on carbon markets and DeFi, and guide the DAO's decentralization plan.
  • Bounty Hunters: Bounty Hunters are applicants who contribute to small projects and complete bounties without guaranteed compensation. They have access to the internal DAO bounty board and can participate in various tasks.
  • Token Holders: Token holders, known as the Klimate community, play a critical role in supporting the protocol's growth and engaging in the governance process via discussion and voting.
  • Partners: Partners are organizations that have established relationships with KlimaDAO. They may utilize KlimaDAO's products, hold KLIMA on their balance sheets, and contribute to joint initiatives.
  • Foundation President: The President of the Klima Foundation oversees the Board of Directors and is ratified via community vote, nominated by DAO contributors, and can be removed via KIP.
  • Board of Directors: The Board of Directors includes Foundation Directors who are responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of the Klima Foundation.
  • Guarantee Committee: The Guarantee Committee is part of the governance structure of the Klima Foundation, ensuring the integrity and compliance of the organization.
  • Employees: KlimaDAO has employees such as Gabriel Kent, Ananth Bashyam, Alik Hinckson, and Keith Axline, who contribute to the development and operations of the project.

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