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What is MEVerse?

MEVerse (MEV) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the Optimum Blockchain Metaverse Platform, founded by Kyle Son and Henry Hong. It aims to provide a harmonized blockchain game and metaverse experience, offering features such as yield farming, delegate farming, auto-compounding, and a converter between chains. MEVerse has a circulating supply of approximately 1.72 billion tokens and a maximum supply of 2.01 billion tokens.

How is MEVerse used?

The crypto MEVerse, also known as Maximal Extractable Value (MEV), is a phenomenon in the cryptocurrency space where miners or network validators can extract additional value by rearranging and reordering transactions waiting for confirmation. This is possible due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, where transaction orders are not rigidly enforced, allowing miners and validators to sequence transactions within a block to maximize their profit.

How MEV Works

In both proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms, pending transactions are held in the blockchain's mempool, a publicly accessible waiting area. Miners or validators select and sequence these transactions to create a block, which is then verified and added to the blockchain. While they should prioritize transactions by gas fees, the transparency of the mempool allows for other profitable opportunities, such as arbitrage, sandwich attacks, and liquidations.

MEV Strategies
  • Arbitrage: MEV searchers detect price differences across exchanges and execute transactions to profit from these differences.
  • Sandwich Attacks: MEV bots place transactions before and after a large trade to benefit from the price change caused by the trade.
  • Liquidations: MEV bots monitor lending platforms for signs of imminent liquidation and submit trades ahead of the liquidation to profit from the resulting price movements.
MEV Extraction

MEV extraction is mainly carried out by independent network participants known as "searchers," who use complex algorithms and bots to detect MEV opportunities and generate profit. These searchers pay high gas fees to incentivize miners or validators to include their transactions in target blocks, deriving additional value. In some cases, searchers partner directly with miners or validators for MEV extraction.

MEV on Different Blockchains

MEV is not limited to Ethereum. It also occurs on other blockchains and smart contract platforms, such as Solana, although the manifestations differ due to their unique designs and consensus mechanisms. For example, Solana's Proof-of-History (PoH) mechanism makes it difficult to rearrange transactions for MEV extraction.

Protection from MEV

To protect against MEV, users can employ strategies such as using private and MEV-protected transaction networks, like, which helps prevent negative externalities created by MEV.

How do I store MEVerse?

To store MEVerse (MEV) tokens securely, you have several options:

  1. Exchanges' Wallets: You can store your MEVerse tokens on exchanges like Binance Wallet, KuCoin, or MEXC. This is a convenient option, but keep in mind that exchanges' wallets are "hot wallets," which means they are always online and potentially vulnerable to hacks.

  2. Crypto Wallets: You can use third-party crypto wallets like Trust Wallet or Atomic Wallet, which offer more security than exchanges' wallets. These wallets are also "hot wallets," but they are designed to be more secure and offer features like encryption and private key management.

  3. Cold Wallets: For maximum security, consider using a "cold wallet," which is a wallet that is not connected to the internet. There are two types of cold wallets:

  • Paper Wallets: These are generated offline and store your public and private keys in the form of QR codes. You can print and store them securely.
  • Hardware Wallets: These are physical devices that store your cryptocurrency and keys. They are highly secure and suitable for storing large amounts of coins or tokens.

When choosing a storage method, consider your needs and the level of security you require. If you plan to hold your MEVerse tokens for the long term, a cold wallet is the safest option.

How to buy MEVerse?

To buy MEVerse (MEV) tokens, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account:

    • Register on a cryptocurrency exchange that supports MEVerse trading. Examples include Binance, Huobi, and MEXC Global.
    • Verify your identity and secure your account by enabling two-step verification.
  2. Fund Your Account:

    • Use fiat currency to buy a cryptocurrency like USDT, ETH, or BNB, which can be traded for MEVerse. This can be done through the exchange's OTC trading service or by using a financial service platform like PayPal or Robinhood.
  3. Transfer Funds:

  • Transfer the purchased cryptocurrency (e.g., USDT, ETH, or BNB) to the exchange that supports MEVerse trading.
  1. Buy MEVerse:

    • Navigate to the exchange's Buy & Sell section and select MEVerse (MEV) as the cryptocurrency you want to buy.
    • Choose the desired order type, such as Market Order, Stop Order, or Limit Order.
  2. Transfer to Wallet:

    • Once you've purchased MEVerse, you can hold it in your exchange account or transfer it to a personal cryptocurrency wallet for additional security and passive revenue opportunities.

Remember to research the exchange's reputation, fees, and user reviews before making a purchase.

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History of MEVerse

MEVerse (MEV) is a cryptocurrency that operates on the Layer-1 MEVerse mainnet technology. The platform was founded by Kyle Son, chairman of ME2ON Group, and Henry Hong, CEO of MEVerselabs. MEVerse aims to provide a comprehensive blockchain metaverse platform that integrates social, economic, and cultural content, allowing users to engage in various activities such as watching, feeling, and relating together.

The project focuses on creating a robust blockchain protocol that ensures data validity, transparency, and digital asset scarcity through proof of ownership. The MEVerse mainnet incorporates advanced technologies like PoF (Proof of Formulation), Block Redesign, LEVEL Tree Validation, and Parallel Sharding to ensure high performance and reliability.

MEVerse Connect, a decentralized finance (DeFi) service, is part of the project. It offers features like yield farming, delegate farming, auto-compounding, and a converter between chains. The service also includes a buyback and burn mechanism to benefit users.

MEVerse tokens can be purchased through various cryptocurrency exchanges. The project's market capitalization and trading volume are tracked in real-time, providing users with up-to-date information on the token's performance.

While the exact history of MEVerse's development and milestones are not explicitly stated, the project appears to be actively evolving, with ongoing updates to its governance structure, consensus mechanism, and technical specifications.

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How MEVerse works

The crypto MEVerse, also known as Maximal Extractable Value (MEV), is a concept that has gained significant attention in the world of blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi). It refers to the maximum amount of value that can be extracted from a given DeFi protocol or smart contract by a user or group of users. MEV has become a crucial factor in determining the profitability of DeFi strategies and has led to the emergence of new tools and techniques for maximizing returns.

How MEV Works

MEV is a byproduct of the decentralized nature of blockchain technology. In traditional financial markets, transaction orders are strictly enforced to prevent front-running. However, in the decentralized world of cryptocurrencies, miners are free to sequence transactions as they see fit. This freedom, while integral to the blockchain's decentralized ethos, can lead to situations where miners prioritize transactions that offer them the most MEV, potentially at the expense of other network participants.

When the stakes are high enough, MEV can even incentivize miners to create blockchain forks, potentially disrupting future transactions and compromising the security of the consensus layer.

Strategies for Mitigating MEV Exploitation

Several strategies are being developed to mitigate the impact of MEV exploitation:

  1. Fair Sequencing Services (FSS): FSS is a decentralized transaction ordering service that aims to ensure fairness and predictability in the ranking of transactions, thereby reducing the opportunities for MEV. By applying FSS to Layer 2 rollups like Arbitrum, the smart contract economy can scale, minimizing the negative consequences of MEV.

  2. Off-Chain Transactions and Batching: When decentralized application users sign transactions and submit the trade off-chain with order preferences, all transactions can be settled in a single batch. This practice renders the reorganization of transactions unimportant as all deals have the same price regardless of the order, making replication more difficult. This increases the complexity for miners or validators attempting to extract MEV, thereby protecting users from the 'invisible tax.'

  3. Protocols Allowing User Control: Protocols are being developed that allow users to have more control over their transactions. For instance, users can specify the maximum slippage they are willing to accept in a transaction. This limits the potential for miners to exploit price differences between the time a transaction is submitted and when it is executed, thus mitigating the impact of MEV.

Common MEV Strategies

One common scenario where MEV comes into play is in the context of decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Arbitrage opportunities, where a trader can buy a token at a lower price on one exchange and sell it at a higher price on another, are particularly susceptible to MEV. Miners or validators can reorder transactions to take advantage of these price differences, earning additional revenue.

Other common MEV strategies include:

  • Front-Running: Miners or validators can use bots to scan the mempool for profitable transactions and replicate them with higher gas fees to ensure their transactions are included first.
  • Back-Running: Miners can enter a sell order to sell into the purchasing pressure after noticing a significant buy.
  • Sandwich Deals: Miners place a sell order right after the transaction that affects the market price and a buy order right before it, controlling the risk by having contemporaneous buy and sell orders.
Impact of MEV on Crypto Market Participants

MEV strategies are only as effective as the existing market inefficiencies. Consequently, they work as identifiers of existing inefficiencies, pushing those affected to take steps to correct them. For example, speedy liquidations on DeFi lending protocols may deter lenders, and once the inefficiency is exposed, protocol developers can take steps to figure out the required changes to ensure all parties are protected.

Actions such as front-running increase the processing time of other transactions, leading to network delays and higher gas fees. This presents a larger problem regarding network integrity, where reordering gives better value for a block producer. There is a risk of the producer focusing on reordering based on MEV opportunities, leaving the network facing consensus instability.

On the other hand, MEV can also bring a positive effect to balancing out the price of tokens in different exchanges, especially when MEV traders participate in arbitrage trading, where they buy tokens at a low price and sell them at a higher price on another exchange. Such trading prompts exchanges to balance their pricing, benefiting their users.


In summary, MEV is a critical aspect of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, particularly in the context of Ethereum. It denotes the additional value that blockchain validators can acquire by manipulating the order of transactions within the blocks they create. MEV strategies are being developed to maximize returns, but they also pose risks to network integrity and user experience. Mitigation strategies are being implemented to reduce the negative impacts of MEV, ensuring a more equitable and efficient cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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MEVerse's strengths

The token MEVerse (MEV) has several strengths that make it an attractive investment opportunity. One of its key strengths is its lightning-fast speed and low fees, making it an optimal platform for the Metaverse, covering various aspects such as entertainment, P2E games, DeFi, NFT, and more.

Another significant strength is its robust blockchain technology, which includes innovations like PoF (Proof of Formulation), Block Redesign, LEVEL Tree Validation, and Parallel Sharding. This technology ensures outstanding blockchain performance and reliability, providing a sustainable and secure environment for users.

Additionally, MEVerse has a strong focus on social, economic, and cultural content, aiming to bring people together through its platform. This focus on community building can lead to a strong user base and increased adoption.

Furthermore, MEVerse Connect, a DeFi service created by the MEVerse team, offers significant benefits to users, including a buyback mechanism and rewards for DeFi users. This service aims to become a multi-chain DeFi platform, utilizing MEVerse's cross-chain technology.

Overall, MEVerse's strengths lie in its advanced technology, community-driven approach, and innovative DeFi services, making it a promising investment opportunity in the cryptocurrency market.

MEVerse's risks

MEVerse, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the MEVerse blockchain, faces several financial risks related to its operations and the broader blockchain environment. Here are some key financial risks associated with MEVerse:

  1. Price Fluctuation Risks: Users may experience unpredictable losses due to price fluctuations when depositing or withdrawing assets from the pool. This risk is inherent in the decentralized nature of the exchange, where liquidity and market conditions can change rapidly.

  2. Slippage and Liquidity Risks: MEVerse DEX operates on a decentralized model, which means that liquidity and prices can vary across different exchanges. This can lead to slippage, where users may not get the best prices for their trades. Additionally, liquidity risks arise if there are not enough assets available in the pool to fulfill user requests.

  3. Transaction Fees and MEV: MEVerse DEX uses MEV (Maximum Extractable Value) for transaction fees. While MEV can provide revenue opportunities, it also poses risks such as front-running and sandwich attacks, which can lead to network congestion and high gas fees. These risks can negatively impact users and the overall efficiency of the exchange.

  1. Smart Contract Risks: MEVerse DEX relies on smart contracts to facilitate transactions. However, these contracts can be vulnerable to security breaches or exploitation by malicious actors, potentially leading to losses for users.

  2. Centralization Risks: The MEVerse blockchain, like other public blockchains, is susceptible to centralization risks. If a few powerful actors dominate the network, they can manipulate transactions and extract significant value, compromising the decentralized nature of the blockchain and potentially harming users.

  3. Regulatory Risks: As a decentralized exchange, MEVerse DEX operates in a regulatory environment that is still evolving. Changes in regulations or increased scrutiny by authorities can impact the exchange's operations and user confidence.

  1. Liquidity Pool Risks: Users depositing assets into liquidity pools on MEVerse DEX face risks related to the management and security of these pools. If the pools are not properly managed or are compromised, users may lose their assets.

  2. User Error Risks: MEVerse DEX is designed to be user-friendly, but users still bear the responsibility of ensuring they understand the risks and benefits of their transactions. User errors, such as depositing assets to the wrong address, can result in permanent losses.

These financial risks highlight the importance of users doing their own research, understanding the risks and benefits, and exercising caution when using MEVerse DEX.

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MEVerse's ecosystem

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MEVerse’s team

  • Kyle Son: Chairman of ME2ON Group and co-founder of MEVerse.
  • Henry Hong: CEO of MEVerselabs and co-founder of MEVerse.
  • James Song: Head of Business Development at MEVerse.

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