Coinbase: Paris on the shortlist for European headquarters

Coinbase: Paris on the shortlist for European headquarters

The French capital, already home to Binance and Cryptocom, could soon welcome another foreign giant.

It's no secret that Coinbase is interested in Europe. The American giant already has teams in London, Dublin and Berlin, but it wants to accelerate, in particular to create a real headquarters within the European Union.

Several cities have a good chance of winning. There's Dublin and Berlin, of course, because the Wall Street-listed company already has a presence there. The German capital is home to Daniel Seifert, who is the American giant's head of European development. But, according to our information, Paris is also well positioned.

Brian Armstrong's group has begun working with communications firms to see how it can establish itself in Paris and deploy its marketing strategy. Officials from the company, which has filed its application to become a digital asset provider with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), have also met with the Ministry of Finance in recent months.

When questioned, the company, which was founded in 2012 explained that it had no immediate plans to open an office in Paris. However, according to our information, the project is moving forward. "

Coinbase looks favourably on Paris for several reasons: the French ecosystem and its dynamism, the pro-Web3 stance of the authorities, and above all the presence of its main competitors. "They figure that the other giants in the sector aren't in Paris for nothing", confirms a lawyer.

Binance and Cryptocom last year announced their intention to make Paris their European headquarters. The Chinese-born giant already has offices with more than 100 staff. For its part, Singaporean giant Cryptocom announced at the end of 2022 its intention to invest 150 million euros in the French capital.

Europe has gradually become a terrain of conquest for foreign giants with the Chinese political back-and-forth on cryptos and the lack of visibility of US regulation.

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