Discover - Article 1
Considerable potential to transform the energy market
Discover - Article 2
When is blockchain relevant?
Discover - Article 4
Why use blockchain to certify green energy?
Discover - Article 3
The potential of distributed energy markets
Understand - Article 5
Some blockchain start-ups to watch
Understand - Article 6
The energy consumption of blockchains
Understand - Article 7
How Bitcoin can contribute to the energy transition
Understand - Article 8
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Fatih Balyeli, CEO Exaion (EDF Group)

Saimi Barragan, CEO Startming

Isaure Courcenet, CEO OffSet

Oscar Dumant, CEO Dowgo

David Durouchoux, Deputy CEO SG-Forge

Jacques-André Fines-Schlumberger, Head of Blockchain for Good Operations

Christine Hennebert, Senior Research Engineer at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission 

Guillaume Leti, CEO Carbonable

Germinal Orcil, Web3 & Blockchain Project Leader at EDF

